Sunday, January 24, 2016

TOW #16- Truly Scary Halloween Costumes

        The cartoon titled, Nightmare Material, by A Zillion Dollars Comics, depicts the cruel reality of the world's current and most pressing issues- global warming, national debt, and overpopulation. Directly mocking the traditions of the popular holiday, Halloween, and the silly costumes that many people around the world wear, this cartoonist takes the title of "scary" to an entirely new level. Through the usage of comparison by mockery of human behaviors and supposed "fears", the actuality of the extremes of today's global issues is explored through a creative and humorous way.
        "Truly Scary Halloween Costumes", the title states, poking direct fun at the costumes that many wear on Halloween to either incite fear or laughs among their peers. No longer are zombies or skeletons the most frightening attire, instead they are replaced by much more serious concepts. Global warming, the cause for rapidly growing climate changes and ultimate destruction of natural beauty around the world, joined by the overpowering and ever increasing global debt, and the peaking of global population (now over 7 billion), are a greater means of fear than any dinky little store-bought costume. Many do not take into the consideration the severity of these issues, which is why cartoonists like A Zillion Dollars Comics, play a large role in spreading awareness.
        This image calls for a great amount of attention, and the mockery of human behavior and supposed "fears"in regards to Halloween sends a greater message towards the public, ultimately opening their eyes up to the greater issues of the world. Halloween is a holiday for both celebration and superstition- combined with loads of candy and hyper children, it is a favorite of many. But what is truly scarier... a little girl in a witch costume or the fact that our planet's resources will soon be unable to keep us all alive and well? The choice is yours.

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