Sunday, January 10, 2016

TOW #14- Obama on Gun Control

        In a recent speech given by President Barack Obama, the importance of controlling guns in a responsible way in order to better the future for the children of America was addressed. Through usage of anaphora and comparison of events, Obama is able to rally citizens from all different backgrounds towards one common concern- gun violence. He addresses all Americans, proving to them the significance they hold in this cause towards a safer, happier United States of America. As he grasps the reins on the country he places a responsibility on citizens and the government alike, enforcing the seriousness of guns and what needs to be done in order to save the lives of many.
          By appealing to the country as a whole, and not a specific and individual group of people, Obama is able to grab the attention of a much wider audience. By repeating the words "All of us" several times throughout the speech, it is clear that in order for gun violence to be stopped it will take the power of millions of hard-working Americans. Whether they are white, black, mixed, gun users, or gun manufacturers, it is going to take the cooperation of all in order for a change to be made.
        Additionally, Obama compares the issue of gun control to several other important events in American history in order to further appeal to different groups and gain their attention. He is aware of the fact that change is not going to happen overnight, just like how change didn't happen overnight for other events in our history. "The liberation of African-Americans didn't happen overnight. Advancing the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans has taken decades' worth of work," and meeting the crisis of gun violence will require the same determination and focus. He highlights different key moments in history that represent American democracy, illustrating the need for everyone to come together once more and battle the issue on gun control.
         President Obama recognizes how heavily this issue relies on the support of the country; without their support nothing can possibly be done. Every single individual citizen has a role to play. It is their job to acknowledge their part in making the country a better place. In appealing to their passions and backgrounds through repetitious anaphora and comparison, Obama takes a strict stand against the unruly powers of guns.
Obama, Barack. "Barack Obama: Guns Are Our Shared Responsibility." The New York Times. The New York Times, 07 Jan. 2016. Web. 10 Jan. 2016. 

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