Sunday, September 20, 2015

TOW #2- Oppression of Women

     Created by professional cartoonist Malcolm Evans, this image depicts two different viewpoints on women from entirely different cultures and backgrounds. On the left side, is an American or European woman wearing a bikini, and on the right side is a Muslim woman wearing a burka. Not only does this cartoon compare and contrast the appearances of either women, but it also shows the clash between Western and Islamic views on feminism and women's rights. Both are thinking the same thing about each other, but in contrasting and slightly altered ways. This makes the audience, whether they are American, European, or Muslim, deeply consider what the true meaning of a "cruel male-dominated culture" is. Depending on where certain people live in the world, they will obviously have opposing viewpoints on other cultures and how women are treated in those societies. These views are primarily based on common prejudices, but also incorporate personal experiences.
     Females are oppressed in many ways, some more subtle than others. In the west, women are constantly objectified and sexually victimized by men because of their bodies. Yet in Muslim cultures, women face just as much violence and oppression and are forced to cover up their bodies for religious and controversial reasons. This clearly shows that regardless of location, women are subjected to negative attention and treatment. The juxtaposition of these two figures allow for the differing ideas and opinions to be exposed side by side. Evans successfully achieves his purpose of contrasting the two women and their cultures by placing them directly next to each other so that the audience can clearly see the differences at first glance. With deeper evaluation the audience can then understand that the message goes beyond just their appearances, and shows how views on female oppression can vary. 

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