Sunday, April 10, 2016

TOW #23- Stop Shaming Women into Voting for Hillary

        As Hillary Clinton, the nation's first female-running presidential candidate, steps into the spotlight, more and more women are advocating for her success. Hillary as our president, however, is not in the interest of all women in America, and certainly should not be forced upon them purely for the sake of supporting their own sex. This logic, expressed by Nancy Cohen in her article titled "Why Women Should Vote for Women," is nowhere representative of how society should function today. As great as it would be for the next president of America to be a woman, it is obvious that not all female politicians are good advocates for women- and because of this they should not necessarily receive the votes of females across the country just for the pure intent of a woman being elected.
        The truth is that the majority of women are more interested in candidate Bernie Sanders, but are shamefully being forced to conceal their admirations and direct them towards the female candidate, Clinton. Sanders has worked for civil rights, women's healthcare, and equal pay- doesn't this make him just as much as a feminist as any other woman who advocates for their own gender? Voting for Sanders doesn't mean women are betraying themselves or their dignity as a population, it simply means they support the same views and policies as him. Being a male politician should not take away from their credibility as a potential advocate for women's issues, unless there is a right to believe they are gender biased and do not support equality in the slightest sense.
        Voting for a candidate comes down to one decision and one decision only- whether he or she shares the same values as you. Nothing else must be influenced by this determination, especially gender or race, because if a candidate supports the same ideas as you then that is all that is necessary in order to ensure the potential leader of this nation has a good head on their shoulders. Supporting an individual just to support our own sex is not a correct way to base any decision, especially one that determines the future of the nation.

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