Sunday, December 6, 2015

TOW #11- Immigration Policy

The issue over immigration policy in the United States had been a topic hotly debated for years. Some may have their arms wide open, while others do not hesitate for a second to shut out those in need. In Clay Bennett’s 2011 cartoon, featured in the Chattanooga Times Free Press, this ongoing argument is exemplified through the incorporation of a mixed message based on contrasting opinions within a doormat.
             Written on the doormat in plain English are the words “Immigration Policy,” and protruding from the top of it are nails that spell out “Welcome.” Due to the two different opinions being expressed through both English and the nails, the audience is left to perceive the true meaning behind this cartoon. While the English provides American viewers with the topic of the visual, the construction of the word “Welcome” influences them to consider whether or not the United States is truly a welcoming country. Depending on the speaker, whether it be agricultural industries that welcome immigrants, or labor unions that discourage immigrants, the mixed message can be interpreted either way.
             This ability to include both sides demonstrates the flexibility of Bennett’s cartoon, proving his ability to propose two different viewpoints while remaining neutral to the topic at hand. He is not trying to persuade his audience of anything, he is simply allowing them to compose their own opinion and decide which side they associate themselves with in regards to immigration policy. He discovers a way to include two different voices into a singular word, solely based on the way in which the word is presented. In the end, Bennett is still clearly able to expose the contrasting views on immigration policy in America.

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