Saturday, October 10, 2015

TOW #5- Boycott SeaWorld

In an advertisement funded by PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a pregnant 36-year-old supermodel named Marisa Miller poses to support the removal of SeaWorld. Known by many, SeaWorld is an organization that maintains countless theme parks around the nation in order to showcase killer whales and dolphins as entertainment for the American public. Within the past few years however, SeaWorld has drastically lost their fame and is now a corporation that is shunned by many. Countless cases of animal abuse, and the obvious evidence of unhappy whales and attacks on trainers, exemplify the pure mistreatment these majestic animals receive each and every day, and PETA is trying to put a stop to it. 
Joining forces with Marisa Miller, PETA created an advertisement to broadcast their feelings against SeaWorld and specifically target mothers and families to boycott the company. By clearly placing the word “SeaWorld” at the top center of the image, and adding their own derogatory twist to the definition, PETA reveals what really goes on behind the scenes. Each year innocent killer whales are ripped from their natural habitats and families to be placed in tanks and forced to perform tricks in front of large audiences. This may not seem like a big deal for many, but when put into the perspective of humans, and directly compared to events that could occur in our own lives, it makes the situation look a lot worse. No mother or family would want their child taken away from them, and that is exactly what PETA is trying to get the nation to understand. 
This type of targeting behavior and mood displayed by the advertisement appeals to ethos, and causes the audience to feel upset and motivated to make a difference. PETA achieves their purpose of raising awareness for the animal abuse and neglect that occurs at SeaWorld by inflicting this emotion. The only way a significant change could occur is if the general public gets involved, and shares their feelings towards the situation so that the company can be shut down entirely. The effective appeal to ethos and tragic mood that this advertisement displays truly pulls at the heartstrings of all Americans, specifically mothers and families.

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